Poultry Health

Home Poultry Health

Poultry Health:-

DBS Animal Nutrition is a leader in the science of fermentation – and a primary producer of yeast and bacteria. Partnering in microbial solutions for a changing world.

Feed price volatility, animal welfare concerns, health issues and the increasing demand for antibiotic-free food represent growing challenges for poultry production and management. The pressure put on the poultry nutrition sector is even stronger since poultry meat production has been continually growing during the past two decades and is expected to become the largest worldwide meat market in coming years.

How to sustain poultry farming profitability with microbial solutions?

The gut and environment of poultry harbor diverse microbial communities. At a time when the use of antimicrobials is being questioned by consumers, alternative microbial solutions to help manage the balance of these ecosystems represent a promising strategy to safeguard poultry performance and support health and well-being while improving food safety.

Specific solutions for your Success in poultry production and nutrition

As an expert in natural microbial products and service solutions, DBS Animal Nutrition offers a range of specific yeast and bacteria probiotics, animal housing and environmental control solutions, antioxidants, and inactive yeast fractions for every stage of poultry production from day-old chicks to layers/breeders and other poultry species.

Explore the possibilities! Fill out the form for more details and let's start the conversation about
how probiotics and enzymes can enhance your health journey.

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