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Gut Health, Immunity, Skin Health, woman Health, Hangout Solution

Gut Health -

The role of probiotics to support a healthy and balanced gut microflora is well documented and known by the consumers; 68% of consumers recognize the link between digestive health and overall health. Gastro-intestinal health represents the first area of clinical evidence for probiotics. Research in this area is still going strong and many potential applications are arising. The intestinal microflora plays a central role in the body. Probiotics for gut health have well-defined modes of action, interacting with the intestinal microflora, the gut, the Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) and the Enteric Nervous System (ENS). Darrel bioscience has strong range of Expert'Biotic solutions, show beneficial effects on microflora balance, occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, and support specific populations such as babies during their first year of life and adults during occasional stressful times through the brain-gut axis.

Probiotics support a healthy microflora and maintain the gut barrier integrity, hence alleviating lifestyle-induced gut discomfort, occasional constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

To boost natural defenses, probiotics compete with opportunistic microorganisms and support the gut immune defenses which procures health benefits related to acute traveler's diarrhea, antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD),

In times of critical care, probiotics normalize the homeostasis of the gut ecosystem, leading to perioperative support and care in times of ulcerative colitis (UC) and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

Immune Health -

Did you know that 70% of the immune system is located in the gut? Natural defenses represents the third reason for consumers to buy probiotics after digestive health and overall health. Probiotics are definitely one of the most interesting solutions to help boost the immune system. The relationship between the immune system and the gut microbiota is supported by a wide array of scientific evidence. The digestive microflora plays a key role in the development and maintenance of immune health through the gut immune system, the Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). DBS has established an innovative scientific program, including in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies to evaluate the effects of probiotics dedicated to immunity. Research results validate a selection of specific strains proven to support natural defenses and to modulate the immune response for the whole family.

Since 2020, consumers' behavior has evolved: 64% are now more conscious about their immunity and 43% about their mental well-being (FMCG Gurus). Beyond gut health support, probiotics have shown significant results in strengthening immunity, in helping with mood balance, and with occasional stress-induced gastrointestinal discomfort. Discover our Expert'Biotics, clinically documented solutions to support the whole family.


The relationship between the immune system and the gut microbiota is supported by a wide array of scientific evidence. The digestive microflora plays a key role in the development and maintenance of immune defenses. In the same way as the immune system, the digestive microbiota evolves through life, and its balance is impacted by many factors including stress, diet, age, etc. In this context, the use of probiotics, through their ability to balance and interact with the host microbiota has appeared as a potential strategy to positively influence the immune response. Over the past 15 to 20, years research has shown the effects of probiotics at different levels:

  • First, they influence the barrier effect; probiotics ensure gut barrier integrity and prevent action from opportunistic microorganisms by adhering to epithelial cell lines, strengthening tight junctions, competing with other bacteria
  • Then, certain probiotics have also the ability to stimulate the immune system to reinforce immune defenses, by increasing IgA levels or the ratio CD4+/CD8+. They can also participate to the modulation of a healthy immune response (atopic status)

Skin health :-

Gut-skin axis: Caring for your skin from the inside out

A balanced body gives you a natural, healthy glow that cannot be replicated by skincare creams. According to the latest scientific findings, the best way to care for your skin is, in fact, from within.

Your skin and what it does:

The skin is the largest organ in your body and has a large contact surface with the outside environment. It is also home to billions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that make up the skin microbiota.

Our skin has a variety of functions, including protecting us from outside agents and regulating our body temperature. Similarly, to those in our gut, skin bacteria play an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system and protecting the skin from pathogens.

The skin has three layers:

  • the epidermis is the outermost layer of skin. It acts as a waterproof barrier and gives us our skin tone.
  • the dermis is the middle layer. It contains connective tissues, hair follicles and sweat glands.
  • the hypodermis, or deeper subcutaneous tissue, is made up of fat and connective tissue.

Skincare from within

Most of us think that caring for our skin comes from the outside. However, taking good care of your skin from the inside may have a greater effect on how your skin looks and feels than you might think.

Some skin care tips for healthy glowing skin:

  • Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and reducing your intake of caffeine and alcohol, both of which dehydrate you.
  • A diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is a great way to ensure your skin receives all the vitamins and antioxidants it needs.
  • It might not be obvious when you're getting enough sleep, but looking at your skin after a night of tossing and turning will reveal the importance of good sleep.
  • Moving your body and getting your blood pumping will immediately show in your skin.
  • You can really see the effects of a healthy gut on your skin and taking a daily probiotic is one way to help your skin from the inside out.

What is gut-skin axis?

You may have heard of the gut-brain axis, but did you know there is also a gut-skin axis? That's right, there is a bidirectional communication pathway between the gut and the skin involving the immune system, hormonal signaling, and the microbiome. There are several pathways connecting the gut and skin, including the bloodstream, lymphatic system, and nervous system.

It has been shown that gut microbiome imbalances can contribute to acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Similarly, skin conditions can also influence the gut microbiome, leading to dysbiosis and inflammation.

In other words, checking in with your skin can also be a good indicator of your gut health. And when your skin isn't looking its best, it could be an indication that something is off in your gut.

Make probiotics a part of your daily skincare routine

Skincare is a long game - you have to keep at it to reap the rewards down the line. Making probiotics part of your daily routine is an excellent way to support a balanced gut and enjoy a healthy, glowing complexion.

Although there is a lot more research to be done regarding probiotics and skin care, some of the findings so far indicate that probiotics can aid in:

  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Increased skin hydration
  • Normalized & healthy immune response
  • Improved skin health in people with common skin conditions
  • Healthier skin in kids & teens

Women health :-

Women pass through different stages in life from birth to menopause. A vaginal environment is maintained by the interaction of the vaginal epithelium and the microflora. Just like the gut, our vagina is host to billions of microbes consisting of yeast and bacteria. Bacteria play an important role in a women's host-pathogen system. Lactobacilli are among the healthiest bacteria found on the vaginal lining. Bacterial vaginosis happens due to lactobacilli's inability to colonize at the vaginal site. This could happen for several reasons including infection, hormonal changes , antibiotic usage, puberty, menstruation, and lack of personal hygiene. Women aged 15-40 years are easy carriers of bacterial vaginosis and other transmitted infections due to the shifting of hormonal levels, lifestyles, method of childbirth and post-pregnancy unhygienic practices. Premenopause and menopause change the level of estrogen in women's bodies. Decreases in the levels of estrogen result in the lowering of epithelial glycogen and lactobacilli.

Vaginal dysbiosis is a common phenomenon. Treatment with antibiotics is not a wise solution as it can lead to disruption of the gut and vaginal microflora. This is where probiotics step in.

Probiotics therapy is a well-proven method of reducing the risk and recurrence of bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract and yeast infections. To balance physical and psychological health burdens, we have designed specific probiotic supplements along with cranberry, vitamins, and minerals. Supplements containing these essential nutrients helps maintain a healthy vaginal and gut microbiome.

Probiotics Hangover Cure

Hangovers are poorly understood from a medical standpoint and remain an elusive phenomenon, but probiotics for hangovers help a great deal. Probiotics good for hangovers have been shown to help with many digestive problems, including diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics replace potentially harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines with beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and overall health. As such, they may prevent the buildup of toxins in the body after drinking alcohol.

increase gut permeability allowing translocation of microbial components into the circulation. These alterations worsen with disease progression.

During alcohol consumption, acetaldehyde is produced, which causes problems with brain activity and can impair memory. Probiotics possess the capacity to metabolize acetaldehyde through the production of enzymes like acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Probiotics also prevent the diuretic impact of alcohol, which can cause dehydration by altering the gut flora.

In addition to their role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis and preventing pathogenic bacteria colonization, probiotics can have a beneficial effect on alcohol metabolism by altering gut microbiota composition and decreasing ethanol toxicity through oxidative stress modulation, resulting in attenuation of hangover symptoms.

Explore the possibilities! Fill out the form for more details and let's start the conversation about
how probiotics and enzymes can enhance your health journey.

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