Pet Health

Home Pet Health

Today, pet nutrition is at crossroads between feed and food. Pet owners are more and more concerned about the general well-being of their favorite companions.

Enhancing the dietary intake of dogs and cats has been shown to contribute to the digestive health and overall well-being of pets. Carefully selected pet nutritional solutions can help support optimal digestive function and comfort, while also helping reinforce the pet’s immune system against various disorders, including those associated with aging and oxidative stress.

DBS pet nutrition provide innovative microbial solution that leverage the natural power of yeast and bacteria to support pet health and well being. DBS yeast and bacteria strain selection, development and application in human and animal nutrition, enables DBS to offer a broad range of microbial solutions to meet the needs of pets and their owners today and for future .

We Are Committed To Optimizing Pets Well-Being With Specific Natural Microbial Products And Service Solutions

Digestive care

Digestive health plays a central role in ensuring the overall health and well-being of companion animals as highlighted by the famous quote from Hippocrates “all diseases begin in the gut.” The gut microbiota — present throughout the digestive tract and composed of billions of microorganisms — is crucial for the global functioning of the digestive system and a well-balanced gut microbiota is therefore key to help ensure gut health . DBS offers a range of microbial solutions designed to help ensure good intestinal function and comfort while strengthening the animal’s natural defenses. DBS nutritional solutions have been shown to optimize the gut microbiota balance, strengthen gut barrier integrity, improve stool quality, and support the digestive system during different life stages and challenging periods.

Immune support

The immune system is a complex network composed of a coordinated set of monitoring and defence elements that help protect the host against foreign or dangerous invaders. The function of the immune system is influenced by a combination of factors and nutrition is largely recognized to be one of the greatest modulators of the gut microbiota-immune system interplay. This has led to the development of a new area called immune-nutrition. Indeed, there is growing and widespread interest in interventions with specific nutrients and functional ingredients.

Antioxidant optimization

There is increasing demand for antioxidants that can be attributed to the rise of modern lifestyle-related disorders, the inclination towards healthier lifestyles, and the increased awareness of the beneficial properties of antioxidants in reducing oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is an issue that concerns humans and companion animals alike and can occur during physiologically stressful situations such as growth and intense physical activity. Oxidative stress is involved in the aging process and is also linked to the pathogenesis and development of many diseases. Antioxidants are substances that are able to neutralize/stabilize free radicals as well as protect membranes and cytosolic components against free radical damage. Antioxidants represent a major defense against oxidative stress. When it comes to dietary supplementation, the optimal antioxidant strategy should combine primary and secondary antioxidant molecules to target several steps in the oxidative pathway and to obtain a synergistic effect.

Gut-brain axis

Scientists have compiled evidence of cross-talk between the brain and the gut with the digestive microbiota playing a pivotal role in this bidirectional communication. The brain and gut communicate through a vast network of neurons innervating the gut — called the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) — which is so extensive that it can operate as an independent entity without input from the Central Nervous System (CNS) and has earned the nickname the “second brain.” Such a complex neural and hormonal connection, referred to as the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA), not only ensures the proper maintenance of gastrointestinal homeostasis, but is likely to have multiple effects on motivation and higher cognitive function. It also links emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions and mechanisms such as immune activation, intestinal permeability, enteric reflexes and entero-endocrine signaling. In recent years, thanks to advanced gene sequencing technologies and meta-genomics, great strides have been made in understanding exactly how the GBA works across species.

Gut-Skin Axis?

You may have heard of the gut-brain axis, but did you know there is also a gut-skin axis? That’s right, there is a bidirectional communication pathway between the gut and the skin involving the immune system, hormonal signaling, and the microbiome. There are several pathways connecting the gut and skin, including the bloodstream, lymphatic system, and nervous system.

It has been shown that gut microbiome imbalances can contribute to acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Similarly, skin conditions can also influence the gut microbiome, leading to dysbiosis and inflammation.

In other words, checking the skin can also be a good indicator of gut health.

Make probiotics a part of pets daily skincare routine

there is a lot more research to be done regarding probiotics and skin care, some of the findings so far indicate that probiotics can aid in:
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Increased skin hydration
  • Reduced hairfall
  • Improved  common skin conditions
  • Healthier skin

Explore the possibilities! Fill out the form for more details and let's start the conversation about
how probiotics and enzymes can enhance your health journey.

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with specific natural microbial products and Phytogenic